About Mozared

Mozared offers you a unique experience in the field of friendship and event sharing. It"s a platform that allows you to add new friendships to your life, create unforgettable memories, and participate in fun events. Push the boundaries, enrich your friendships and life with Mozared!

Why Mozared?

Find Event

Don't have enough friends around? Here you can participate in events that might interest you and make compatible friendships.


You're in the right place to gain new experiences, color your love life or find the love of your life.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Mozared?

Mozared is a platform that offers fast and easy solutions for you in the field of finding friendships and events. You can meet new people, plan events, and enrich your social life.

How does Mozared work?

Mozared works by creating a profile and matching with people and events suggested according to your personal preferences. Then, you can message with other users and participate in events.

Is Mozared safe?

Yes, Mozared cares about your security. We use the latest technologies to ensure the security of your personal information. In addition, we ensure that our users comply with community rules, thus targeting everyone to use the application in a safe and comfortable manner.

Is Mozared free?

Yes, you can use the basic features of Mozared for free. However, you can choose to purchase a subscription to access the premium features of the application.

How can I make new friends on Mozared?

To make new friends, after creating your profile and setting your preferences, you can see people who match with you and message with them. You can also make new friends by participating in events.

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Contact Us

For any questions, suggestions, and investment proposals, you can reach us at [email protected].